Solar Panel Warranty

Solar Panel Warranty Definition:
A guarantee from the solar panel manufacturer or installer to ensure production levels and equipment reliability. The performance and equipment guarantees vary between products and solar companies - typically lasting between 10-25 years.
Breaking Down a Solar Panel Warranty:
A solar panel warranty has two distinct parts: product/equipment warranties and a performance guarantee.

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Product/Equipment Warranty
Solar panel equipment warranties cover the physical panels themselves. This includes any manufacturing defects, durability issues, or equipment failure. The warranty typically covers the cost of replacing the faulty or damaged panel with a new working one. Most equipment warranties for solar panels last between 10 - 15 years but some premium panels have warranties for up to 25 years.
Performance Guarantee
A solar panel performance guarantee establishes a base electricity production over the lifetime of the panels. The amount of electricity a solar panel produces slightly declines every year they are in use. This decline in production is fairly predictable as the power output should not lose more than 10-20% production over the first 25 years. If the panels drop below this at any time, a performance guarantee fixes or replaces any faulty panels so your system is performing at optimal capacity.
Learn more about Sunrun's product warranty and Sunrun's Performance Guarantee.

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