Going solar in Arizona is easier than you think
Take advantage of all that southwestern sun. Powering your home is something everyone often takes for granted. We don’t blame you for it: electricity is basically a given in the modern age.
But, with utility companies dominating the energy market for so long, we’re sure most people think that their utility is the only option in terms of energy providers. In reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Renewable options like solar energy are not only on the rise, they’re a viable and easy option for homeowners just like you.
And with energy rates hiking upwards in Arizona, there’s no better time than now to explore alternative energy. Which is why you should consider going solar with Sunrun. With us, you can see just how great solar can be without breaking a sweat or your budget. From our great customer service to our commitment to helping you save year round, we offer a great experience that’ll stick with you for years to come. Here’s why.
We’ve got your wallet covered
For starters, we offer flexible finance options, like solar leases and solar PPA’s, so that you can get your system no matter what your budget is. In many cases, this means you’ll pay little to $0 up front for your solar system, saving you time, money and stress!

See if you qualify for the
26% federal tax credit
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We do full service
At Sunrun, we believe that treating everyone like family is the best way to welcome our customers into the solar community. Which is why we’ve built an easy and thorough sign-up process. It all starts with your free consultation.
From there, we custom-design your system for your home, enlist Sunrun certified installers to put your panels up, and we handle all the paperwork. And when it’s all said and done, you’ll always enjoy 24/7 monitoring on your system and great multi-year warranties.
We’re here for you
We do everything we can to make sure you get the best deal around. Get a free Arizona solar quote today.

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